Episode Transcript
[00:00:00] You've been holding back for far too long. There is a warrior within you that is trying to break free. And it's time to step into your purpose and the abundant life that awaits you if it's your first time here. My name is Michael Riggs. I'm a full time author, artist and entrepreneur, husband and father of five. And I teach men all over the world how to live fully optimized, leveled up lives. So if that's something you're into, if you want to level up every aspect of your life as a man, subscribe to this channel. And in today's episode, I'm talking about how to become the best version of yourself fast. Stick around. Hello and welcome to the Warrior Kings podcast. I'm your host, Michael Riggs, here to assist you on your journey to living a fully optimized, leveled up life as a man. Married Men I just put out a free resource on my email list. If you get signed up for that, you're going to get 52 prompts, 52 things that you can do for your wife, one gesture every week to help you level up every aspect of your marriage. These are 52 things that you can do for your wife to level up your marriage over the next year. So definitely get signed up for that mailing list. I send out weekly motivational content on there that's exclusive to the mailing list. So if you're into that, follow the link in the description of this YouTube video or podcast episode. And speaking of being married, I just want to give a shout out really quick to everybody who got my new book, Warrior Husband. It means the world to me to be able to help so many men in their marriages, so many men to level up their marriages. I put everything that I know about marriage and relationships and communication with women in that one book. And I really hope that it's transforming your marriage and transforming your life. So again, thank you so much for grabbing a copy of Love Warrior Husband. And without further ado, let's dive right into the topic of the day. How to become the best version of yourself. Everyone has an idea of their ideal self, the best version of themselves. And most people know that if they were to truly buckle down and lock in that they could actually become that person. They could actually be the dream version of themselves. The problem is most people don't actually lock in to do that. Very few people get to experience the best version of themselves in this lifetime. But you're not most people, right? You're better than that. And maybe you found this episode today because you're looking to improve every aspect of your life to level up to the 2.0 super awesome version of you, right? But maybe you don't know exactly where to start. So I put together five things that you can begin doing right now, today, to move in the direction of becoming the best possible version of yourself. And step one on this list is to write out your vision for your ideal self. Get a piece of paper or a notepad or your journal or something like that, and write down, attribute by attribute, trait by trait, your ideal self, who you want to become. Put it in bullet points or numbers or however you like to do it. But write out the vision for your ideal future self. What does he look like? What does he speak like? How much money does he make? Is he ripped, fit and healthy? This is your version of your ideal self. Write it all out and then determine the steps that you need to take to begin moving in that direction, to become that person today. And there's this concept that I love called act as if. Begin acting like you already are that person, that ideal version of yourself. Live every day like you've already become that person. And then eventually you will become that person. What does your routine look like? That ideal dream version of yourself? When you get up in the morning, what do you do? What are the steps that you take in your day? Do you get up and work out? Do you have some sort of strict morning routine? What kind of friendships and relationships do you have? Whatever the dream version of yourself is, begin becoming that. Act as if you already are that. So first, on that piece of paper, you're going to write out your ideal self, step by step. And then you're going to write after that the steps that you need to take to move in the direction of being that person. Maybe you write it as a sketch schedule. Maybe you write it as a to do list. Like I need to do X, Y, and Z to become this ideal version of myself. And then get started. Because becoming your dream ideal self takes action. It's not just gonna magically happen one day. It's not gonna fall in your lap. It's not when the kids are grown and they're out of the house, or when you have more time or when you retire. It's right now. The time is now to become everything that you've always wanted to be, everything that you were always meant to be. The best version of yourself. You need to take action towards becoming that every better, a little bit, every single day, improving every single day. And step two on this list is to discover your purpose and then pursue it relentlessly. It is my belief that there is a calling and a purpose for everyone's lives. The problem is most people never discover what their purpose is or even take the time to explore what that might be. Because the thing is, we have a choice whether to do that thing or not. But there is a purpose and a calling for your life. Your life is very, very important. Whether you believe that right now or not, there is a reason why you're breathing, a reason why you're here. And you need to do is discover what that calling and that purpose is and then pursue it. Your life is important. You weren't born to be average, you were born to be a king. So how do you discover your calling and your purpose? Well, on another piece of paper, write out your skills and your passions and the things that you're interested in. And then seek how you can use those skills and those interests and those passions to be in service to other people. And then your purpose will reveal itself. My purpose is talking to you today. Inspiring men all over the world how to live fully optimized, leveled up lives. But before that, I was a sci fi author. I went wanted to write sci fi books and then eventually become a filmmaker and do all these creative things, right? But then I discovered that my purpose is actually motivating others, teaching others the wisdom that I have attained over time. Because all of the things that I've been through in this life gave me the life experience and the wisdom to be able to teach others how to live fully optimized lives, to improve themselves, right? Because I took myself and God took me from being a total nightmare in my life to now living my dream life with my dream wife. And I want that for other people. So I discovered that I learned everything that I learned over the years and went through all that I did to be able to share wisdom with other people. And that wasn't what I wanted to be doing. That was my calling in my purpose that I had to discover over time, right? So your calling in your purpose oftentimes isn't what you want to be doing at a glance, right? You might want to be something completely different. But then you will discover, oh, this is what I'm breathing for. This is the reason I'm here. I'm supposed to serve others in this way with my talents, my gifts, my trades, all of these things, right? And you will discover that it all comes together. It all combines to be this one amazing purpose. And when you discover that, you shoot straight to the top. Bro. And there's pretty much no stopping it. So step two on this list is to discover your purpose and then pursue it relentlessly. And that is a major, major step in becoming the best possible version of yourself, because it's who you are supposed to be, and it's what you are supposed to be doing. Step three on this list is to write out the vision for your dream life. And this is one that I teach all the time in my work. You're going to need another piece of paper, but what you're going to do is write out the vision for your. If everything worked out exactly how you want it to, if your dreams came true, the absolute perfect version of your life, starting today, till you're an old man, write out the vision for your life. Do it year by year, event by event, however you want to write it. But whatever your dream life is, whatever your success looks like, write all of that out on a piece of paper. And then again, determine what steps you need to take to begin moving in that direction to make that dream life come true. Start checking off those steps that you wrote down on that piece of paper, like a to do list until all of your dreams come true. And if you're a married man, do this with your wife. Have a conversation with her where you're like, what? What do we want our future to look like? What is our dream life? Where do we want to live? What kind of house do we want to live in? What kind of careers do we want to have? Build a dream life with your wife. And I mentioned this in the book Warrior Husband as well. If you got a copy of that book, which, by the way, that's an ebook, paperback, and audiobook, if you don't want to actually sit down and read a book, there's an audiobook with digital voice that you can listen to. And if you prefer a real book, a bookie book, there's a paperback version of that as well. But what you want to do is build your dream life. Envision what that would look like. Visualize it as if that's really what's going to happen. And then, like I said, determine what you need to do to make that dream life come true. And how you make that dream life come true is by becoming the ideal version of yourself. What we talked about in step one, and then finding your calling and your purpose and pursuing that relentlessly to reach the ultimate success that you can in this life because you're doing what you were born to do. And then all of your dreams will. Will come true. So Write out the vision of your dream life and then determine what steps you need to take to make that dream come true. Step four on this list is physical fitness and eating right. To become the best version of yourself that you can be, to experience the best version of yourself in this lifetime, you need to seek optimization in mind, body and spirit. A healthy body is a healthy mind and a healthy life. You know, they say you are what you eat, and I don't know how much truth there is to that, literally, but nutrition is everything, bro, when it comes to being optimized. Mind, body and spirit, believe it or not, nutrition, the food that you're putting in your body, is everything. So are you eating real food or are you eating processed junk? That's really the big question. And my philosophy is basically meat and plant foods. That's real food, animal products and plant foods. Like if I were to walk out in the wilderness right now and I needed to survive, I wouldn't find bags of Cheetos growing on trees, right? I would find, find fruit, I would find vegetables, I would find animals to hunt, and that's what I would be eating naturally, right? So if it's a natural food, it's probably nourishing and good for you. And if it's unnatural food, like it was made in a factory or a plant somewhere and there's 52 ingredients on the label, then that is not food. That's not going to nourish you. It's not going to keep you healthy. So that's my philosophy on what healthy eating means. But really the question you need to ask is, am I eating real food or am I eating processed junk? And then you need to get some physical activity in as well. And this doesn't mean that you have to go and pursue being a bodybuilder or anything like that, but you need to move around in your life, keep your body optimized by getting exercise at least a little bit every single day. And you don't even need a fancy gym membership to make that happen. I work out with resistance bands at home because I live over an hour from any gym. So I find ways to work out and stay optimized at home. And you can do that too, especially if you're one of those guys who has a super busy schedule and you can't imagine making going to the gym happen. Definitely make physical fitness happen. Either way, get some movement, your body, get some blood flow going, transform your appearance. You can transform your appearance very easily just by doing 100 push ups a day. But a healthy body is a healthy mind and a healthy life. Remember that. And to be the best possible version of yourself in this life, you can't eat like crap and never get any movement in your body or any exercise. It's just not going to work. To pursue being the best version of yourself, pursue being the healthiest version of yourself. That's really what it comes down to. And number five on this list is cultivating a relationship with God. If you want to be the best version of yourself that you can be in this life, don't do it alone. And hey, maybe that's not your thing, but I can tell you that I was a complete nightmare in my life in every way possible until I started seeking God and actually talking to God. I'm living proof, bro. I could tell you the whole story right now, but maybe we'll do that on another episode. Cuz today we're talking about you. We're not talking about me, but when I started actually praying to God and seeking God, my entire life transformed. And I can't stress that enough. I can't stress the importance of that enough, like what that actually means to me. But honestly, bro, if you've never prayed before or if you haven't prayed in a while, give it a try. And it doesn't have to be this whole big grand thing. There's no method to it. It's just going to a place where you're alone and talking to God. Whatever comes to your mind, whatever you want to open up about. I mean, if you're trying it for the first time, let's say you're not even sure if you believe in God or not yet. Just tell God that. Be like, God, I don't know if I believe in you. And then just have a conversation with him. Be like, if you're there, this is what's on my heart. This is what I'm thinking. This is what I'm going through. This is tell God that you don't understand. Be like, I don' Understand why things are the way they are with X, Y and Z. That's the seeking of understanding from God. And you might be surprised that sometime you will get answers to those questions. So open up, have a conversation. Even if you feel like you're having it with yourself, you're not. Trust me. And then the next step to that is just watching God work and watching doors be opened for you that wouldn't have been opened before. Because what God wants is a relationship with us. And there's no such thing as a perfect person. And God knows That so don't be afraid to talk to him. He. He already knows everything, right? If God's and he already knows everything, far more than you could even imagine than just be honest and have an honest conversation with him. Because honestly, there's nothing that you could hide even if you tried. And maybe you've been jaded in the past by religious people who made you feel like if you weren't a perfect person, then you weren't accepted. Dude, there's no such thing as a perfect person. It doesn't exist. And those people probably haven't actually read the Bible before because every figure in the Bible was kind of a screw up. Don't believe me? Go read it for yourself. That's literally the story. But if you want to be the best possible version of yourself that you can be in this lifetime, don't do it alone. And if there's anything that's going to make that possible for you, it's a relationship with God. Trust me, I'm not a pastor or a preacher or anything. Dude, I'm a messed up guy too. I'm just telling you what transformed my life, what really worked for me. Praying to God changed everything. That's the honest truth. If you don't know what to talk to God about, surrender yourself and admit. Say, I can't do this on my own. I don't know how to. And there is great liberating freedom of this. Letting go of ego, letting go of the I got this mentality right? Say I can't do this on my own and I don't know what to do anymore. And God will help you. He will open doors for you. Trust me. And I know I don't usually talk about that a lot on this podcast. If it's your first time here, this isn't necessarily a Christian based podcast, but I wanted to share that with you today that there is great transformative power in every aspect of your life by cultivating a relationship with God. And if you've been here before, you've definitely heard me say this, you already know what you're supposed to be doing. You're just not doing it yet. And this applies to every aspect of life. Life. If you want to be a healthier person, you already know what that means and how to do it. You're just not doing it yet. If you want to be a successful person, in a sense, you know what you should be doing. You're just not doing it yet. To become the 2.0 leveled up version of yourself, the updated, brand new version of yourself. You need to do what you already know you should be doing and get to work. Refresh that vision. Renew it in your mind all the time. The vision of your ideal self, the vision of your ideal future, your dream life. Constantly renew that vision in your mind and determine what steps you need to take to make those dreams come true. There is a great calling and a purpose for your life. A life of overflowing abundance awaits you on the other side of you making the decision to make the switch, make the change, and to become everything that you know you can be, everything that you should be, everything that you were always meant to be. A life of overflowing abundance awaits you. Trust me. But that's what I got for you guys today. If you want to expand on this further, if you want to know more about me and my work, if you want to connect with me in any way, there are some links in the description of this podcast episode or this YouTube video where you can do just that. I have a link tree on there with all my links. You can find me everywhere. If you want to help me keep doing this podcast to inspire men all over the world to level up every aspect of their lives, there's a link on there called Buy Me a Coffee where you can essentially buy me a coffee and leave me a comment on there, telling me how this podcast has helped you in your life. And I really, really appreciate all of you who have donated on there because like I said, it helps me keep doing this. This podcast isn't monetized or sponsored right now, so I really appreciate those donations. Now get out out there. Kill it. Level up every aspect of your life. Make your dream life come true. Because I really believe it's possible for you. If you're on YouTube, like Subscribe, leave me a comment. Let me know how this episode helped you in your life. I would love to hear from you and I'll catch you guys on the next one. Thanks, guys. Bye.